Whakapakari Te Kāinga Wānanga update

Tēnā koutou!

Exciting developments continue to move forward on the planning stage for the Whakapakari Te Kāinga project!

At our last kanohi ki te kanohi hui on the 7th of August 2021, our architects presented detailed concept drawings, which made more real some of the options for the future of Te Aroha and Mahi Tamariki. There were many key points to consider, but some major priorities were identified, and our architects have carefully put together a summary of detailed concept plans, based on the feedback we have been receiving by you, uri of Ngāti Mutunga.

These detailed plans can be viewed in the links provided at the bottom of this page.

With the unwelcome interruption of Covid-19 making its way back to Aotearoa, we also had to adapt quickly to a sudden lockdown at the end of August 2021. Our last wānanga was held on the 25th September 2021 via zoom. This went successfully despite the sudden changes in our environment, and here we discussed in greater detail, the plans and designs provided to us by our architect’s – Studio Pacific.

Architect Nick Denton explaining the design strategies for the proposed Te Aroha extension via zoom, 25th September 2021

You can download the latest zoom recording from our last wānanga here

The next kaumatua wānanga will be held on Tuesday 5th October, 10am, Urenui Pā.

The next wāhine wānanga will be held via zoom on Tuesday 12th October, 7pm. Zoom link below:

View the detailed designs our architects, Studio Pacific have created so far below:

1. Urenui Pā Design Report – Content & Analysis of the Marae

2. Urenui Pā Design Report – Whare Concept Design

3. Urenui Pā Design Report – Whare Concepts (new & existing in greater detail)

To send through your thoughts, feedback, or any ideas you wish to contribute to the design and planning stage for the Urenui Pā developments, please email office@ngatimutunga.iwi.nz.

We strongly welcome and encourage all feedback!

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