Two slips have been discovered at the bottom of the Onaero cutting and close to Te Ngaio Urupā that require urgent work to prevent further erosion. They were found in the course of carrying out the planned road resurfacing works that are currently being undertaken.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga staff were notified, and a hui was held on Wednesday 23 October 2024 on site. It was agreed that the repair will require a digger to access the bottom of the slip to stabilise it. The safest access point is near the base of the bank surrounding Te Ngaio urupā.
A Ngāti Mutunga cultural monitor will be on site at all times during work on the slips, to ensure that earthworks are kept to a minimum and if anything is found that it is dealt with sensitively and in accordance with our tikanga. Work will likely begin on the slip repair next Tuesday after Labour weekend.

(Top of main slip face near road at bottom of Onaero cutting, looking up towards Urenui.)