Urenui Pā Trust – 2021 Kaitiaki

We would like to warmly welcome our two newly elected kaitiaki to the Urenui Pā Trust – Makere McDonald & Mihirangi Harris.

Urenui Pā Trustees for 2021
Johnson Raumati – Re-elected
Barry Matuku – Re-elected
Makere McDonald – Newly elected
Mihirangi Harris – Newly elected
Sam Maxwell – Continuing
Rawiri McClutchie – Continuing
Brent Matuku – Continuing
Audra Potaka – Continuing

Congratulations to all, and we thank our current and past kaitiaki Tania Hodges-Paul & Raniera Potaka for their outstanding mahi and commitment to Ngāti Mutunga iwi. We look forward to another successful year working with you all!

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