Te Rā o Te Rangi Hiroa Day


Online event

Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua:
Back to the future; tūpuna insights supporting
mokopuna futures.

Te Rangi Hiroa Memorial – Okoki Pā

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga invite you to join us as
we commemorate 70 years since the passing of Te
Rangi Hiroa and the extraordinary legacy he left
with us.
The kaupapa kōrero of the day will highlight some
of the lessons left by Te Rangi Hiroa as we navigate
the new challenges before us as Ngāti Mutunga, as
a nation.

Tīmata: 9.30am
Kaiārahi: Jamie Tuuta
Kaikōrero: Miria Pomare, Che Wilson and Ruakere
Otinga: 12.30pm

Miria Pomare will talk to the hononga between Maui
Pomare and Te Rangi Hiroa; sharing examples of
their public health mahi dedicated to the wellbeing
of our people. Che Wilson and Ruakere Hond will
explore the Matariki Public Holiday, Puanga/Matariki
and how we can honour these important moments
into the future as an iwi.

The event will be livestreamed on the Te Rūnanga o
Ngāti Mutunga Facebook page.

A recorded version of the session will be posted on
the Rūnanga website post event.

This online event is brought to you by Te Whiringa
Ngāti Mutunga Community Development Charitable
Trust, and is supported by Te Korimako o Taranaki.

Nō reira e te tini e te mano, nau mai whakatau mai.

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