Ngāti Mutunga Poi Manu Rōpū

Ngāti Mutunga Poi Manu Rōpū

The growing of our cultural knowledge and our ability to participate in cultural ceremonies has been a focus of Te Whiringa for the last 12 months. This saw a number of wānanga take place for karakia, karanga, whaikōrero and poi manu to prepare whānau for the ceremonial opening of Te Ranghīroa College in Dunedin in October 2023.

Our Poi Manu Rōpū and members of our Kāhui Ruruku were approached in early February to be involved in the ceremonial opening of Ngāmotu House scheduled for 24 February 2024. The Poi Manu team met for practice leading up to the opening and were given the privilege of leading the ceremonial process on the day.

Overall, it was a privilege to be involved in this significant kaupapa for Te Atiawa. We encourage you to drop in and have a look at the exterior and interior of the building, it is a great example of how we can embed cultural narratives, motifs and designs into the construction of a building.

The images below are courtesy of Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa.

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