Expressions of Interest: Curriculum Package

Curriculum Package Overview

The Rūnanga is on a journey to develop a Ngāti Mutunga focused curriculum package that aims to: 

  • Strengthen Ngāti Mutungatanga among our whanau so they can excel with full knowledge of their identity, language and culture.  
  • Develop an iwi graduate profile through marae based wānanga with whānau about Ngāti Mutunga  
  • Work with our three local schools to determine successful learning and education pathways.  
  • Develop approaches to support the creation of a package of educational resources.
  • Support place-based learning for local schools (Urenui, Mimi and Uruti)
  • Support teachers in schools to be more aware of the history of the Ngāti Mutunga rohe and its people. 

The curriculum package has two (2) key areas with the first focused on identity, language and culture for our Ngāti Mutunga whānau and the second focused on supporting our schools in the Ngāti Mutunga rohe in the implementation of their local histories curriculum. 

External funding has been secured to complete the first phase, which includes the development of a graduate profile, development of an education plan and the development of a resource plan to support the next phase which is implementation. Critical to the development of the graduate profile, education plan and resource plan is input from our Ngāti Mutunga whānau and input from our schools. Therefore, facilitation experience and leading workshops focused on enhancing education outcomes will be an integral skill.

The Rūnanga is seeking expressions of interest from qualified and experienced contractors to lead out and complete the first phase. All expressions of interest are to include a cover letter that provides an insight into how you will complete the first phase and a CV that demonstrates your skills, experience and qualifications. Expressions close at 5pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Please send expressions of interest to 

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