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Ngāti Mutunga Puanga Celebration

Ngāti Mutunga Puanga Celebration 2024

Tēnā koutou e te whānau,

Tērā a Puanga ka rewa i te pae, nau mai, tau mai, ngā hua o te tau hou.

Kei ngā uri o Ngāti Mutunga, nau mai whakauruuru mai ki Urenui kia whakanuia tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira o Puanga Kairau!

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga would like to invite all uri to our Puanga Celebration for 2024. This is an opportunity for us to come together to reflect on the year we have had, to share kōrero, knowledge and memories of loved ones, to learn about Puanga Kairau and its significance to us here in Taranaki, and to welcome the New Year in together.

If you and your whānau would like to attend this awesome kaupapa, please register using the link that has been sent to your email. This will ensure that we have enough kai and resources for everyone. We also have three Gallileo Telescopes to giveaway, all those who register for this event will be put into the draw and the winners will be drawn and announced during breakfast time on Friday 28th June.

We cannot wait to welcome in te tau hou with you all,

Friday 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Saturday 5.00am – 8.30am

Mānawatia ā Puanga!

Register With Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

Send Us a Message

Kia ora! If you have any questions, feedback or need help please get in touch.